Business Central Espresso - Product Posting Groups

Business Central Produktbuchungsgruppen

What are product posting groups in Business Central? And why are they important for financial accounting?

The product posting group is assigned to an item via the item card and defines the product type to link transactions for this item to the corresponding general ledger account via the posting matrix .

In simple terms, product booking groups are nothing more than different product groups that allow you to break down your sales and purchases by items and resources.

Typical examples of product booking groups are:

  • Services
  • raw material
  • office supplies
  • merchandise
  • production capacity

Each product posting group therefore has the same posting properties. This means that all products in a posting group share the same chart of accounts for purchases, sales, inventory and costs.

Business Central product booking groups

Need help setting up your product booking groups?
We will be happy to advise you and support you with the setup using our best practices. Send us your inquiry today without obligation.

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