Microsoft masters blog

roles and authorization concept "Someone has changed something in the facilities again!" - Does this sentence sound familiar to you? As an IT manager, you know only too well how quickly data chaos can arise if access rights are not...
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What is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central? Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central - or Business Central for short - is a standard ERP software from Microsoft and the successor to the older version Microsoft Dynamics NAV. ERP is the abbreviation...
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What are product posting groups in Business Central? And why are they important for financial accounting? The product posting group is assigned to an item via the item card and defines the product type to link transactions for this item...
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What are business posting groups in Business Central? And why are they important for financial accounting? Business posting groups indicate in Business Central which geographical affiliation a company has in order to be able to post transactions for this company...
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What is the booking matrix and how does it keep a company running? The posting matrix contains all combinations of business posting groups and product posting groups . This is where the "wiring" to the general ledger accounts takes place....
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